Forensic Nursing
Forensic Nursing Forensic Nursing is defined as the practice of nursing for the application of forensic health care in the scientific investigation of forensic cases. Forensic nurses are both members of the healthcare team and one of the staff who supports while resolving forensic cases. The working areas of forensic nurses include interpersonal violence, traumas, […]
Crime Scene Investigation with Smartphone
Crime Scene Investigation with Smartphone Crime scene investigation (CSI) is one of the most important steps in solving the cases. In order to enlighten a crime, It is necessary to collect evidence by examining it with appropriate equipment and methods by experts in the field where the crime was committed. Nowadays, with the development of […]
Forenscope SAFE and SAFE Pro Systems
SAFE Systems and Smartphone are used to examine 11,000 cases of sexual abuse/assault between 2009 and 2021.