Greenwashed: The Documentary – Episode 2 is Premiered on our YouTube

In the first episode, we revealed how our so-called competitor distorted SuperSpectral’s capacity to identify ignitable fluids and biological fluids by using improper lighting, filters, and techniques. Now, we confront their inaccurate assertions regarding ink print and semen detection on multicolor fabrics. Their findings are flawed, and their methodology raises questions. We put SuperSpectral through a genuine forensic-level examination, openly and transparently.

🔎 Our Approach in This Episode:

Analyzing Their Claims Anew: We meticulously recreated their erroneous tests step by step, highlighting how they manipulated their outcomes.

AFIS-Compatible Ink Print Imaging: Advanced high DPI fingerprint imaging guarantees compatibility with AFIS, revealing their misleading assertions.

Employing the Correct Wavelengths for Biological Fluids: Rather than their incorrect method, we utilized SuperSpectral’s 440–455 nm spectrum to adhere to forensic standards for semen detection.

Extended Range Live Scanning: What they shied away from, we put to the test. SuperSpectral’s unparalleled 1.5-meter imaging clarity was showcased with actual results.