Forensic Photography

What is Forensic Photography? A brief history on Photography, Forensic Photography and techniques used in Forensic Photography. Photography is accepted as the top priority process in crime scene investigation because properly taken photos of the crime scene and evidences are permanent records for the crime. Photos taken with a proper camera from a proper point […]

100% Contactless LATENT Fingerprint Imaging!

Meet the game-changer! New generation forensic technology is expanding at a remarkable speed! Meet 3200 DPI and above! We are excited to introduce to you our new cutting-edge technology product: The World’s First Mobile 200-1100nm Multispectral Contactless Fingerprint Tablet “ForenScope 4K.” With The Forenscope 4K tablet, we detected the latent fingerprint on a hotel luggage […]

Advanced Fingerprint Capture

Mobile Multispectral Tablet and High Optical Magnification Micro Lens captured a latent fingerprint on the banknote with 13MP of resolution. The ForenScope team has a calculated close-up of the PPI and the result is more than 3,000 PPI. This 13MP image has been captured with ForenScope Mobile Multispectral Tablet and High Optical Magnification Micro Lens. […]